Day-care centres, schools and care homes
Pudasjärvi school campus
The school campus of the city of Pudasjärvi in Northern Finland represents a life-cycle approach in which facilities are designed to be multi-purpose and communal. Timber was chosen as the primary building material thanks to its natural and comfortable feel and, above all, its breathability. The school has facilities for 800 pupils, and the total floor area of the four campus buildings is 9,700 m2. Several Rtek Millenier one-piece units with rotary heat exchangers also help ensure healthy and comfortable working conditions.
University of Helsinki’s Athena building
The Athena building, which houses the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences of the University of Helsinki, has a total of 11 Rtek units – they have served the premises excellently for several years now. Each unit is equipped with a rotary heat exchanger and heating and cooling elements. The units were delivered as complete assemblies or as three-piece modular ventilation units for haulage reasons.